Monday, 22 April 2013

Exam Question

Digital media technology continues to develop. How is this significant for media institutions and audiences? 

As digital media technology is developing, there is a large increase of online facilities when it comes to music. These facilities such as YouTube, SoundCloud & Spotify allow access to music free of charge, which then creates a negative and deteriorating productivity for physical music such as CD's. Digital media technology becoming more developed has also enabled the illegal downloading of music, this is also not occurring within minority but majority. The process of illegal downloading is jeopardizing music and artists as they are not gaining any money from production.

Aswell as the negative stigma attached to the development of media technology, it also comes with its positives; artists can gain popularity via social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. This increases their fan base and audience size, it can also help them to promote new tracks, influencing their online created fans to perhaps buy their albums or downloads on Itunes. Exchange becomes present due to the advanced technology as fans can 'follow' 'like' or subscribe to the artists which is a positive feedback towards their media. 

In my own personal case study, we have used the positive aspects of media technology. To begin, we created a track on GarageBand; for this we used soundscaping, using existing tracks, taking samples of them and creating something from scratch with a completely new sound. We used Azealia Banks, Disclosure, Arctic Monkeys, Enter Shikari & Pendulum as our 5 sample tracks. Due to the technological development we were able to illegally download all of our tracks used which is one of the negatives to the case study. 
Another use of media technology within our case study was our method or marketing and distribution which was to place our track and artist information on numerous social networking sites, helping us to promote it. We used websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram where we followed and became friends with the original artists and our friends from our personal accounts, we gained feedback through exchange so we could evaluate our success. We also were able to create a relationship with our audience through media technology by having an online artist photograph. This was creating in aid of helping us to attract followers through our image.

Thursday, 28 February 2013


Editing and inserting Foley on Garage Band

Operating the camera and filming shots from the storyboard

Manning the lights for Emma and Martin's shots

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Edit Of Our First Shoot (need to re-film footage)

This is my edit of our raw footage for our thriller opening. I have cut the shots together and colour graded it. This task will determine who is the strongest person in our group with using Final Cut - We have decided to re-film the sequence as the shots are not up to the standards we desire, we will be filming on the 02/02/13 in order to get better footage.
Things we will add in the final version: